JOPPO RANKS, I'm still doing MUSIC.
EVER so often do both curious fans and the media houses infer a quit when an artiste takes a sudden break from active recording and promotion, even though the artiste’s broken presence in the scene doesn’t necessarily imply a quit. Such an inference has lately been much made of Joppo Ranks, who after the release of his instantly accepted “Dem Ah Hate” and “Line N3” cuts, less or nothing at all has been written or heard about him.
Acting out of a burning crave for more Joppo Ranks songs, the media and several fans have been blowing the artiste’s social media message inboxes with numerous brand-related questions --- the most paramount among them going like: “Have you quit music”? Well, the music brand Joppo Ranks was not a fleeting fad that came to test the market waters unfit and recoiled dead at the bank, it’s very much alive and is still in its original vibrancy. That ill inference, thus, need be squashed.
The quit rumour circulating around town is a vague vox populi, a total false talk.
Joppo Ranks diligently cemented a strong presence in the music scene through a serial interview tour on both radio and TV during the promotion of “Dem Ah Hate” and “Line N3 and he wouldn’t, for any reason this soon, let that precious time and funds invested into that presence strength he hard-earned go to waste. It’s a pretty good look that his absence is felt, that proves his relevance.
Joppo Ranks is still doing music, referring to a twit confirmation he left.
13play.net is officially informed that the artiste will rekindle his presence anytime now with two more cuts, namely: “Nima Girl” which features Shegee Styla, “Two Life” which also features Iwan. Both cuts done under 7676 Records, Joppo’s own record label. The visuals to “Nima Girl” already shot and edited, but the final work is yet to be released for worldwide fan viewing.
Joppo Ranks, the Ghanaian reggae-dancehall artiste who currently resides in the states, related to 13play.net that he hasn’t quit music, but is on a brief break just so he could duly take care of a few private life commitments. He further assured that he’ll spring back into the main scene anytime now with full force --- a spontaneous return. He’s highly hopeful of a great welcome back reception by his fans.
Curious of how he sounds on a beat? Please, google him. Up now!, your time to add another lovely talent to your favourite artiste list is even almost long overdue. Enjoy Joppo Ranks, too.
Written by: REGULA REBEL [ CEO, 13play.net]
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