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It's so amazing how KOJO KOMBOLO regulates his FIRE to align his emotions with the romantic rhythms of his heart. He's on an EROTIC WAVE now, his usual judgment button is now on a long pause --- it's LOVE AFFAIR O'clock on his Rolex.

From the depth of his THIRSTY HEART he's crying for a crazy loving "Tonight", hoping his SEXY LADY hears him out.

“Tonight” is KOJO KOMBOLO’s secret LOVE SONG and I intend to leak it out 13play.net’s faucet this Wednesday before after dark.

Honestly, a woman’s sexy presence is quenching to every thirsty man…

A man’s burning longing for a woman’s wonderful touch is no joke at all.


[VISIT 13play.net for the DOWNLOAD link to “Tonight” this WEDNESDAY].  

--- Regula Rebel.

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Item Reviewed: KOJO KOMBOLO releases a SURPRISE love song --- Tonight Rating: 5 Reviewed By: RegulaRebel
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