[LYRICS]: FAFFA - For My Good
Below is the lyrics to "For My Good", an urban contemporary gospel song by Faffa.
Written by: *FAFFA*
*Verse 1*
When l call on you
When l walk with you
Be alright , everything will be alright
When l look at you
Sing along with you
Everything will be alright
Doesn't matter the storm
Never give up
Shining so bright
Climbing so high
High as the sun
Everything is happening for my good
The water the fire the wind and the earth
So with joy and with thanks
l rejoice in the Lord Almighty
*Verse 2*
When you hold my hand
When you dance with me
Be alright, everything will be alright
When l look at you
Sing along with you
Everything will be alright
lt's ok to cry
When the tide is so high
Everything's alright
Life is o about pain but it's not about you
Everything's alright
You with me , me with you together
Soaring high , beyond the sky
Wings of an eagle 🦅
Ordinary Life ordinary price
Extraordinary life extraordinary price
Coins make noise so go for the paper
You know you have a God always on your side
Words are tools, mouths are doors
Yes you can if only you believe
Mountains to climb, valleys to descend
Everything is happening for your good
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