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Ghana's Blakka Route Sees It Propitious Now To Release Song He's Saved For President Mugabe

 Regula Rebel

Ghana's conscious dub poet, Blakka Route, has considered Zimbabwean military's hostage of President Robert Mugabe as a perfect timely incident upon which a song he has done for Mugabe can now thrive fast for a huge worldwide attention.

Later in September, Blakka Route wanted to release "Mugabe" before the month ends, but for a yet unexplained reason, his management team postponed the release to an unfixed future date in order to commit ample promo time and funds to the artiste's "Know Thyself" EP and its two lead promo tracks:
"Time" and "Abyssinia"

Team Blakka Route still didn't know what propitious date to release the "Mugabe" song until news of President Mugabe's arrest by the Zimbabwean military outfit broke out.

Blakka Route's
"Mugabe"song is a praise song for President Mugabe and it speaks of the respect and admiration pan-africans and afrocentrics have for him. The song is a joint project between Blakka Route and MnKebre, they intend it to be on their "Twin City Mental Revolution" album.

In deep review,
"Mugabe" is a very fine dub poetry piece with a debatable content and it was well set to stir controversy, trigger a political insight into Robert Mugabe's presidency tenure and the legacy he has built.

Per Team Blakka Route's vantage decision, the song will be released on multiple blogs before mid day this weekend.

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Item Reviewed: Ghana's Blakka Route Sees It Propitious Now To Release Song He's Saved For President Mugabe Rating: 5 Reviewed By: RegulaRebel
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