It's a harsh social reality how the youth are sometimes underrated by seniors in the society for the mere reason that they of a young age and so don't deserve certain open opportunities that society considers as a preserve of older folks.
This reality even gets worse in the corporate settings and family circles where senior folks block the chances their of by underrating their abilities and denying them their rights. Queen Ruki is addressing this issue in "Su Kaasa" and she circles her lyrics around a survival theme -- emphasing on the lines that no matter how the society underrated the youth, [They Couldn't] stop the youth from achieving in life.
"Su Kaasa" is an Hausa language, meaning "They Couldn't". This definition makes the song a success anthem for the young ones who have survived age discrimination by their seniors in their circles.
QUEEN RUKI - Su Kaasa [Produced By Qliq Xpress [DOWNLOAD]
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