[Reggae-Dancehall Artiste BIOGRPHY]: - KONKARAH
WRITTEN BY: Regula Rebel [CEO, i360entertainment, 13play]
Konkarah is a reggae/dancehall artiste born, bred and educated in Ghana. He is an 8th July born who was christened Theophilus Duho. The singjay had his birth at the Agather Maternity Home, Accra.
He is not just into the reggae stream for the street props, business identity or fame, Konkarah is a strong adherent to and defender of the Rastafai faith and he is an officially registered member of the Rastafari council of Ghana. He is firmly clung on the missionary aspects of the genre to help in the mental liberation of the many that have lost the purity of their consciousness sovereignty.

Growing up wild in the mean Adabraka streets of Accra, singing had always been Konkarah’s prime natural but he never gave it serious thoughts or due treatment until his haunting talent took a ripe turn and his inclination towards professional singing peaked a hot point where the heavily adventurous 16 year old Konkarah couldn’t hold back the firm compulsion pushing him to make a maiden attempt at the mic. Reflexes got a tight grip on the now musically preyed Konkarah, songwriting then dawned on him that fast --- he started writing a series of very short songs with urgent consistency and thus cultivated the needed daily habit of improvising a few one liners and then moved up to a bunch of couplets which would later translate into his lyricism mastery. Up to this day Konkarah is deeply stuck to daily songwriting that he can’t go a whole day without writing at least a mini practice verse or hooks if not a full song for an immediate or later release.
There was no physical mentor to offer the tricks and guides, clever teen Konkarah was himself the extreme ends: he started off a student and a teacher in one young body, clinging through self-taught basic music lessons that somehow honed his artistry and gave him some degree of artistic mastery. Over time, the young and developing Konkarah switched to absorbing secondary phase influence from established artistes like Sizzla Kalonji, Capleton, Buju Banton, Anthony B, Luciano, Ras Kimono, Chaka Demus, Shabba Ranks, Bob Marely, Peter Tosh, Morgan Heritage, Kofi Rudy Franky, Linton Kwesi Livingston, and other mainstream reggae greats that have a huge global following. While still spinning on this multi-mentor axis to muster his versatility and competiveness, the fully fledged Konkarah was building up his intellect by taking grand deep intellectual inspirations from Emperor Haile Sellasie, Marcus Garvey, Malcom X, Marin Luther King, Kwame Nkrumah, Chenua Achembe, Maya Angelou and other black freedom fighters and political thought-provoking poets to immortalize their idealisms and mission works by incorporating hints of their humanitarian gospels in his songs.

As personally expected, his pro-teen period of intense practice eventually paid off, as he has then gradually circled a full 360 run round the game. Evidently, Konkarah’s early serious commission to rehearsing a long covers list of strong quality hit reggae and dancehall songs at home in private to perfect up his overall skills set on a comparison scale, purposely to ensure that his brand weight was worth his dream market attention, is today the key reason why his talent build can excellently parallel the worth of most reggae/dancehall elder heads when it comes to lyrical delivery strength and stage craft checks. He learned the basics tactically well in due cleverness.
The time came for Konkarah to start recording for the real world and he ended up vocalizing “What A Girl”, his very first studio single, which was perhaps just a test cut to check for a popular feedback. It was produced by Hammer of the Last 2 inside the Hush Hush Studio. After “What A Girl” gathered diverse motivating springboard responses from friends, family and a handful of first generation fans, Konkarah felt his natural eligibility for a proper music career journey, thus he began his profession without hesitation. He has never looked back since then, he’s been widely active and consistent with more well-received releases that have cemented his motivation to further his works even against multiple ugly industry odds.
Konkarah was around active during the prime of Terry Bonchaka, Mad Fish, General Marcus, Yoggie Doggie, Okomfo Kwade and Kwame Partan. These are artistes that shook the Ghanaian music industry the time Konakrah has emerged.
Konkarah was around active during the prime of Terry Bonchaka, Mad Fish, General Marcus, Yoggie Doggie, Okomfo Kwade and Kwame Partan. These are artistes that shook the Ghanaian music industry the time Konakrah has emerged.

Aware that a strong cordial affiliation to a peer collective of contemporaries that share his musical path interests, mission values, message line and career targets would help facilitate his social opportunities and market advantages, Konkarah would not walk the reggae-dancehall street a lone singjay, he respected the urge to befriend some genre equals who are also highly dedicated to upholding the reggae revolutionary mission and the dancehall euphoria that heats up the ghettoes. Off this communal urge, he duly built a purpose connect with a few equals like Kojo Kombolo, Iwan, Paapa Wastik, Black Prophet, Osagyefo, Blak Mexxiah and Shatta Wale. Simultaneously webbed into the connect for extra strength were radio reggae presenters like Empress Lomo of Radio Gold, Conscious Queen of Pink fm, Haruna Babaginda of Melody fm, Black Santino of Vibe fm, King Lagazee of Hitz fm, King Bash of Vibe fm, several others nationwide and top field DJs like Nana Dubwise, DJ Nature Won, DJ Ruutbwai, Jah Love and Selector Ras Nene.
Going through the chronicles of Ghana’s reggae/dancehall, Konkarah ranks in the post-pioneer set of artistes that unbiased documentarians fix next to the select few veterans who cemented the foundation of the duo genre in the country. His ranking is indispensable, even as he has made great active contributions to the survival, beauty and vibrancy of reggae and dancehall in Ghana since his entry. With an in-depth grasp of the reggae genre, Konkarah staunches within the genre’s purity by continuing in the liberating revolutionary trail blazed by the foundation superstars like Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Max Romeo, Leroy Sibbles, Auguistus Pablo, Josey Wale, and the other early reggae heads who advocated in defense of the system-oppressed masses.
Going by the moniker “Battlefield Warrior”, Konkarah makes a subtle clue to his terrifying tall height and physical soldier qualities. He evidences his un-hyped position as a youth army commander with his military vocality and mosaic leadership zeal that make the grounds befitting for him to stage a juvenile exodus to free the black youth from Babylon’s mental shackles, plots, indoctrination, inferiority tactics and forms of imperialist conspiracies that plague black minority communities. Konakrah, just like Capleton, also professes that music is a mission --- an ace reason why he focuses his works so much on youth liberation and mental empowerment.
Critically checked, Konkarah’s core theme log spans nature, metaphysics, Divine Orders, revolution, truth, faith, positivity, freedom, consciousness, righteousness, social issues, love, peace, unity --- but his spontaneity to explore beyond the confines of the Rastafari sects makes his brand one that’s identifiable with content universality, as some of his songs contain cross-lifepath messages that are relatable to non-reggae/dancehall fans who would otherwise give reggae and dancehall less or nil attention.
So far, Konkarah has shared stage with big name artistes like Luciano, Mutabaruka, Anthony B, Sizzla, Knii Lante, Paapa Wastik, Black I, Norris Man, Iwan, Ras Kuuku and other foreign reggae and dancehall nationals who have come to Ghana to play. His notable collaborations include “I Will Be There” [featuring Seeta Kamani] and “Money A Go Run” which features Stxnga and “What Ah Mash Up Di Youth”, an anti-drug abuse piece which he did with Paapa Wastik and Jahwi.
So far, Konkarah has shared stage with big name artistes like Luciano, Mutabaruka, Anthony B, Sizzla, Knii Lante, Paapa Wastik, Black I, Norris Man, Iwan, Ras Kuuku and other foreign reggae and dancehall nationals who have come to Ghana to play. His notable collaborations include “I Will Be There” [featuring Seeta Kamani] and “Money A Go Run” which features Stxnga and “What Ah Mash Up Di Youth”, an anti-drug abuse piece which he did with Paapa Wastik and Jahwi.
Currently at this writing, Konkarah has a single credit discography with his 2017’s 19 tracklist standard album dubbed “Most High” which has these songs: Stand Tall, Rise From The Slums, Positivity, Ekome Feimo, She Love Rasta, I Will Be There, I Miss You, Sensimilla, Eyes Pon De Road, Blaze Up The Fire, Straight Like Arrow, Yasei Babia, Tonga, Fire Keep Burning, Ready We Ready, Natural Healing, Fire Man, My Social Issues and History.
Prior to the release of “Most High”, Konkarah had already clocked dozens of saved singles which he recorded over the years; some he did when working with Iwan as a co-producer in the same studio; others done in different studios.

Aside the massively received “Most High” tracks, other popular Konakrah released singles that equally command audience response include “Bad Long Time”, “Higher Level”, “Go Suh”, “Party Time”, “Give Thanks”, “Sellout Longtime”, “Tun Up De Ting”, “Adabraka”, :Nah Mix Up”, “We Run De Dance”, “Man Ah Lion”, “Energy King”, “Show Some Love”, “Wah Agwan”, “Seyaa”, Kass Dem Out”, “Hot Fi Dem”, “Hot It Up”, “Mama Bawl”, “Grow Your Locks”, ”Whine Pon Mi Ting”, “True friend”, “Bayawa”, “Jah Children Rising”.
Highly notable riddim projects on which Konakrah has jumped on appear on a popular shortlist which consists Guinness & Smirnoff Riddim, Migraine Riddim, Attitude Riddim, Irie Bus Riddim, Gideon Start Riddim, Money Mansion Riddim, Mystic Roots Riddim, Say Fi Riddim, Thanks & Praise Riddim and Transformation Riddim, .
Set apart from the music, Konakrah has an academically-acquired professional background in electrical engineering but he is currently not practicing due to time factors necessitated by heavy music career commitments. Hobbies are deep reading, video games, football and swimming.
Currently, Konkarah is an independent artiste working along the support of a temporary team of industry affiliates who trust in his success prospects.
Set apart from the music, Konakrah has an academically-acquired professional background in electrical engineering but he is currently not practicing due to time factors necessitated by heavy music career commitments. Hobbies are deep reading, video games, football and swimming.
Currently, Konkarah is an independent artiste working along the support of a temporary team of industry affiliates who trust in his success prospects.
Media Download Links
1. Most High [ALBUM]:
2. Singles:
3. Official Music Videos:
4. Live Performances:
5. Interviews:
Social Media Contacts
Facebook: Konkarah Jahvibes
Instagram: KonkarahJahvibes
Twitter: Konkarah Jahvibes
Youtube: Konkarah Jahvibes
Youtube: Konkarah Jahvibes
WRITTEN BY: Regula Rebel [CEO, i360entertainment, 13play]
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