Take A Cut-Through Read Around JAHYELOVA, The French Cardi B With Super Neo-Anglo Flair
WRITTEN BY: Regula Rebel
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BLOG: i360e.com
The trap fever is not just to the States, Africa and some parts of Europe have adopted the new rap trend and most of the African and European artistes are super-trapping in their native languages with a great poetic awe. Over there in France, Jahyelova is gradually taking the hot spot to be the country’s fastest growing female trapstar and she is most likely to be iconized soon in the Anglophone music market record as the top French equivalent of America’s Cardi B.
Jahyelova’s duo-combo delivery of French trap and Ivorian-esque mapouka run on hot beats make her unique dance music a super club-fit for the hard ballers who like to sweat out their stress and strain in the club through the night. Wanna burn some fat fast against some aerobic music?: just bump some Jahyelova tracks up loud during your exercise.
Down her brief bio road, Jahyelova was christened as Lienhardt Carmen. She was born in Congo Brazzaville but she grew up in France [Strasbourg, precisely] as an adopted daughter god-raised by a Franco-Caribbean family.
Such a very unhappy young girl faced with tough trials and unfavourable obstacles, yet she does the most needed daily to feel a smile on her face. In her extreme solitude, going through multiple recurring pensive moods, Jahyelova found her very true identity in music. When music took Jahyelova up and she decided to go professional with it, her uncles James Navis and Claude stepped in to offer her the basic support to set her rolling on. They have been supportive to date, helping her on all her projects.
Though she is grabbed tight by rap’s firm grip, Jahyelova finds a great ease rapping as rap is her core music niche, but she comfortably doubles off as an RnB songstress. Being boldly expressive of her life experiences, Jahyelova openly shares her past, present and future feelings in her songs.
On her debut single with OneLion [a producer friend, co-business partner and artiste manager in France], Jahyelova put up an impressive delivery to prove her readiness to make massive career inroads.
At this writing, BBestDays and PlayConnect are the joint record labels managing Jahyelova’s affairs, but BBestDays takes a fore stance and is the one playing a paramount managerial role.
PUBLISHED on 3rd April, 2020.

Though she is grabbed tight by rap’s firm grip, Jahyelova finds a great ease rapping as rap is her core music niche, but she comfortably doubles off as an RnB songstress. Being boldly expressive of her life experiences, Jahyelova openly shares her past, present and future feelings in her songs.
On her debut single with OneLion [a producer friend, co-business partner and artiste manager in France], Jahyelova put up an impressive delivery to prove her readiness to make massive career inroads.
At this writing, BBestDays and PlayConnect are the joint record labels managing Jahyelova’s affairs, but BBestDays takes a fore stance and is the one playing a paramount managerial role.
PUBLISHED on 3rd April, 2020.
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