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After a little over a year break from active music, Gabi DeFeel rewinds and prepares for a solid comeback to continue from where she left off.
The songstress took the break for a series family commitments and side business moves which would conflicted with her musical career. It was a long haul, but she cracked down the tale of it not long ago and she’s now back in the studio to work up fresh units.
While on break, Gabi was studying the game and planning down her adjustment to set her brand adaptive to the current trend music market has taken.
Gabi DeFeel is a juggler of multiple genres. She has that smart chameleonic gear that helps her flow with whatever change the mainstream makes.

Before the break, Gabi had the following releases bumping on radio and her fans’ playlists: Tundra, Serve And Protect, Fake People, Lock It, Replay, Take Me Home, You And I, GH Legends, Paint Ma Mento, Eye Woa, Kpokpomo, Pumpum Market, Kweiku and BBF [Bibia Beye Fine]. Her Kpokpomo video was then also rotating on TV channels.
On her return, she is poised on releasing a nostagia-buster piece that has fun-filled wow factor. Prior to the her first return single, Gabi would be serving her fans with short live sessions on facebook at https://web.facebook.com/gabidefeelofficial.
WATCH "Serve And Protect here:
WATCH Kpokpomo here:
Media Contacts
Gabi DeFeel on all platforms.
PUBLISHED on 10th August, 2020.
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